The Sims 3 Pets Archives | Page 13 of 37 | SimsVIP

Edenstyle & The Unicorn

  Edenstyle has a 4th chapter up, and this time about the Unicorns. Click below to read the preview!    

Sims 3 Pets Registration Rewards – Photo & Description

  Well the items themselves are not listed on the site yet, but thanks to our member Joe T, we have a description of the...

New Sims 3 Pets Render

  The Create a Pet site page has a new render of Pets.  Thanks to Joe T for the tip!  

Lazy Game Reviews – Sims 3 Pets CAP Impressions

  Lazy Game Reviews has uploaded a video of his impressions with the newest CAP Demo.  Check it out.    

Sims 3 Town Hall Chat – Replay Now Available

  Scroll to 18:20 minutes and the chat begins. :)  

Edenstyle Pets Preview – Horses

  Edenstyle now has their 3rd Report on Pets available to read!  Click Mr Ed. below to read. :P    

Pets CAP Demo – Issues & Reporting

  For the many of you currently (or not yet) experiencing issues and problems with the newest CAP demo, please be advised there are many...

Sims 3 Create a Pet Demo – Now Live!

  The Sims 3 Pets Create a Pet Demo is currently available to download & Play via Origin!  You can find the demo on Origin's...

Sims 3 Pets Official Icon

  With the site update comes the Official Sims 3 Pets Icon.     Looks exactly like the Town Life Icon with Paw Prints. So creative! :P    

Whisker-less Cats in Pets?

  Until someone brought it to my attention, I had not noticed that the Cats in Pets do not have any whiskers.  I am a...

