Game Revolution Reviews Sims 3 Island Paradise
Something was missing from The Sims 3 World Adventures. Sure, you could explore the simulated ruins of Egypt, smash grapes into wine in France,...
CAW Houseboat Tutorial by SimGuruGraham
Follow this step by step tutorial to learn how to add houseboats to a custom Sims 3 world built through the Create a World...
Mod The Sims: Buyable Mermadic Kelp
Luke Production over at Mod The Sims, has created a mod to make Mermadic Kelp available in buy mode. This is perfect for all... Reviews The Sims 3 Island Paradise
The island paradise theme isn’t entirely new to the Sims franchise. In the original Sims, Vacation plopped you into a beautiful vacation spot for...
Let’s Play The Sims 3 Island Paradise Extravaganza!
Need new ways to play your game? Want to sit back and check out the wonders of Island Paradise through the eyes of others?!...
GamesRadar: The Sims 3 Island Paradise Review
They’ve pillaged pyramids, graduated from college, and even faced off against brain-hungry zombies. And now, your tired old Sims can finally take it easy...
The Game Scouts: Sims 3 Island Paradise Review
Shrieking sirens rip through the airways, jolting you from cool inertia into wide-eyed bewilderment. What the hell was that? Curls of smoke lick the...
GameMatics Reviews The Sims 3 Island Paradise
Electronic Arts’ Maxis has just released their newest expansion for the Sims 3, Island Paradise. With the Sims 4 on the horizon in 2014...
Tutorial: How to Make a “Hidden Island”
Nikel23 over at Mod the Sims has created a great tutorial on creating your own Hidden Islands in all worlds. This step by step...
Sims 3 Island Paradise Now Available on Steam
For those who use Steam, Island Paradise awaits! Click Below!