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The Sims 3 Island Paradise

Sims 3 Island Paradise: 2 New Screenshots

  Via SimGuruMike & SimGuruGraham Downwind! Better watch where you stand on a houseboat; it can be the pits. This guy can't make up his mind on...

EA Reveals The Sims 3 Line Up for 2013

    :!: Live the College Life, Relax in Paradise, Travel to the Future and More in The Sims 3 This Year   REDWOOD CITY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Whether...

Sims 3 Patch 1.55: New Features & Options

  The latest Sims 3 Patch 1.55 brings new game options, interactions & features. Below is a compiled list of these new features, and if...

SimsVIP is Going to SimsCamp at Gamescom!

        EA, Maxis, & The Sims Team, have invited SimsVIP, along with many other fans from around the world, to The Sims Camp event at...

Island Paradise: Houseboat “Lot” Sizes

  If you were curious about the Houseboat Sizes coming with The Sims 3 Island Paradise, be curious no more! SimGuruGraham has shared specifics, so...

Island Paradise Cover Discovered has unveiled the cover for Island Paradise early. Please note that this is a provisional box cover, which indicates that changes to the...

Island Paradise Patch: Move Sims to a New Town

  In today's Island Paradise preview, Platinum Simmers revealed that The Sims 3 Island Paradise patch will include the ability to switch towns. For 20,000...

The Sims 3 Island Paradise Game Guide

  The SimsVIP Island Paradise Game Guide is now complete! I hope the information found in the guide is useful to everyone, and I thank...

