In today’s Island Paradise preview, Platinum Simmers revealed that The Sims 3 Island Paradise patch will include the ability to switch towns. For 20,000 simoleons, your Sims can start a brand new life, in a brand new town. Yes, you can move to a new town!
A note from SimGuruGraham:
I made absolutely sure that moving between towns won’t continually bloat your save file size. It’s quite literally a full move; we aren’t retaining the information from your previous towns, so consider it as a way for your Sims to wipe the slate clean and start a fresh life in a new town. The game will warn you as to which information is saved and what’s wiped clean when moving to a new town.
Moving between worlds isn’t the same as exporting a family. We save more information like how old your family is, the current season, etc.