The Sims 3 Movie Stuff Loading Screen
New patch day! That means the loading screen, icons, and other goodies are hiding in the files. I don't do photoshop, so I had...
Sims 3 Movie Stuff: New Screenshots
Via The Sims 3 "Poll"Â - Hat Tip: DOTSim
Official Icons: Sims 3 Into the Future & Movie Stuff
Via DotSim at Sims CampÂ
Movie Stuff Review
I admit it: I had more fun with this stuff pack than I should. That's part of why this article is so late; I...
The Sims 3 Movie Stuff: Concept Art
Via Josue Portillo & Rincon Del Simmer
SimsVIP’s Movie Stuff Giveaway Winner!
The time has come to reveal the winner of our Sims 3 Movie Stuff giveaway!
goodywood, please check your emails as...
Sims 3 Movie Stuff Fact Sheet + Official Screens
The Sims 3 Movie Stuff Fact Sheet
This article contains all officially confirmed information regarding the Sims 3 Movie stuff Pack. When new info becomes...
The Sims 3 Movie Stuff: Twitter Takeover
SimGuruSarah will be taking over The Sims 3 Twitter Account on Wednesday September 11th, to answer questions about the final stuff pack for The Sims...
Redeeming Movie Stuff’s Origin Bonus Content
For those who pre ordered The Sims 3 Movie Stuff via Origin, can now redeem their Director's Set bonus content. Check your emails for...
SimsVIP’s Movie Stuff Giveaway!
The entry period for this giveaway has ended. Check back September 9th for the winner!