PDF’s Now Available For Several SimsVIP Game Manuals
Petar over at Sim Hrvatska has completed the PDF's for High End Loft, Fast Lane, Outdoor Living & Sweet Treats! You can now download...
Platinum Simmers Review Katy Perry’s Sweet Treats
Katy Perry Sweet Treats is the latest pack from EA, it has more items, clothing and even hair than a regular Stuff Pack, from...
Pre Order Sweet Treats @GameTreeMac
Click Below! Mac users only! :P
New Sweet Treats Renders + Screenshots!
Via SimCookie, Sims.Mixei.ru & Rincon Del Simmer!
Katy Perry Sweet Treats Launch Trailer
Via The Sims Russia
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqMRtvtWLA8?version=3&hl=en_US&rel=0&w=560&h=315]
Interactive Sweet Treats Map by SimFans
Click Below!
Sims Nieuws Reviews Katy Perry’s Sweet Treats
Attention sweet chewers! Katy Perry and Electronic Arts proudly present their new Stuff Pack: The Sims 3 Katy Perry’s Sweet Treats! This Stuff Pack...
Amazon: Sweet Treats for $15!
Click below! - Thanks Beastboy! :)
Sweet Treats Live Chat Part 2 Replay
Video Link
Pre Order Katy Perry Sweet Treats at GameStop
For the GameStop lovers out there! :P