The Sims 4: Separate Foundation Levels Coming With Terrain Tool Manipulation
In today's Sims 4 Terrain Manipulation live stream, The Sims team announced that they are adding the ability for players to build with different...
REPLAY: The Sims 4 Terrain Manipulation Live Stream (October 11th, 2018)
Check out today's Terrain Tool Manipulation replay below
The Sims 4: Terrain Manipulation Tools (New Screenshots)
SimGuruDoi has sent simmers on an egg hunt of sorts, tweeting out a series of "clues" that are meant to direct players to Terrain...
The Sims 4: Terrain Tools, Game Patch, & Style Influencer Career (Twitter Q&A)
SimGurus took to Twitter yesterday to answer some questions about terrain tools, the new style influencer career, and the next game patch. Below is...
The Sims 4: 80+ Terrain Manipulation Live Stream Screens
Direct Album Link -Â Slideshow below