Al Fresco Street Market Venue (Info & Screens)

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This is an info post for the new Al Fresco Street Market Content & Venue. The two new premium content pieces have also been added to our Sims 3 Premium Content Guide.





Al Fresco Street Market

The Alfresco Street Market is an all new “Farmers Market” themed venue. The lot comes equipped with the Lemonade and Veggie stands, as well as a recreational area. Sims from around town will come to Alfresco for fun, lemonade, and fresh produce.

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Build/Buy/Edit Town Objects


Beautiful Bougainvillea Bountiful Bushel of Fake Fruit Fancy Floral Box Fruit and Veggie Stand Celestial Sun Mosaic Nicotiana Plant Perfect Wall Ivy Perpetual Wall Ivy Pleasant Wall Ivy Purposeful Wall Ivy Share Your Wares Carry Cart Succulent Summer Squash Sunset Supper Picnic Table Trident's Spring Fountain Twinkling Tree Column Veritable Veggie Cart


Fruit and Veggie Stand



The Fruit & Veggie Stand is a miniature produce cart that offers a new way to purchase harvestables. You can find the Fruit & Veggie Stand in buy mode under “Entertainment” for 850 Simoleons. The Fruit & Veggie Stand can be used by Sims Child-Elder.
The fruit and veggie stand includes two brand new harvestables. The Lemon Tree & The Eggplant Bush. Just like any other fruits and veggies, they can be planted and harvested, purchased at the local grocery store, and can also be purchased at the fruit and veggie stand.


❗ No level of gardening skill is required to plant and harvest lemons and eggplants.
❗ The fruit & veggie selection changes daily. Check back every day for new fruits and veggies!
❗ Items purchased from the fruit and veggie stand are more expensive than when purchased at the grocery store. This causes Sims to receive the “Ripped Off” moodlet at times.
❗ This premium content can be placed on residential and community lots.



The Fruit and Veggie Stand provides the following interactions:

Browse – Sims will walk around the cart browsing the selection
Purchase – Sims can purchase a variety of fruits, veggies & books. The selection changes daily, so be sure to check back.
Consign – Sims can sell any and all harvestables they have in their inventory. They can cancel their consignment at any time also.
Tend Stand – Sims can take over the stand and try their luck at some extra pocket change.
Shoo Tender – If a Sim wants to take over the stand from a townie, simply shoo them away and take their place.


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 Video Link


Lemonade Stand



The Lemonade (Juice) Stand offers a new way to quench your thirst. You can find the Lemonade (Juice) Stand in buy mode under “Entertainment” for 75 Simoleons. The Lemonade (Juice) Stand can be only be used by Children.
The Lemonade stand allows Child Sims the opportunity to build some work ethics, and learn the value of a simoleon. Children can tend, stock and give psychiatric help.


❗ The Lemonade Stand is not pre stocked. You will need to add fruits and veggies to serve any type of juice.
❗ This premium content can be placed on residential and community lots.




The Lemonade Stand allows the creation of the following Juice Flavors:

♦ Apple Juice
♦ Banana Juice
♦ Carrot Juice
♦ Eggplant Juice
♦ Grape Juice
♦ Lemonade
♦ Life Fruit Juice
♦ Limeade
♦ Potato Juice
♦ Tomato Juice
♦ Watermelon Juice



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 Video Link

