New Late Night and Showtime lot options in patch 1.36

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Velocitygrass on ModtheSims has discovered that the 1.36 patch changes are quite a bit more extensive than initially suspected, and he has also found code for upcoming premium content – a vending machine and a ceremonial teaset!

Some info about what’s in the GameplayData.package:
The fix for the Showtime performers using Late Night lots appears to go even further:

  • Graveyards, Fishing Spots, and Beaches work as a park gig.
  • Pool, Gym, Library as well as Dive Bars work as Bistro Gigs (Coffeehouse is what it’s called in game I think).
  • Hangouts and the LN Dance Clubs work as Live Venue Gigs.
  • Art Gallery, LN Lounges, and the Horse Ranch work as Private Venue Gigs.

Tuning files for the Premium store items have been added to the package. There’s the existing ones and two unreleased:
 Vending Machine, which comes in flavors Candy, Health, and Drink and offers the interactions Buy to eat later, Restock, Kick, Buy to eat. Items has a chance to get stuck.
 A ceremonial tea set, which comes with a hidden skill.



