Could we also see Werewolves in Pets?

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The Creature for Pets has yet to be confirmed, but the possibility of Unicorns exists within the leaked patch file.  Although it would not be a life state for a Sim, there may be a possibility of Werewolves in the game.  We will not know until they decide to release that info.

Checking my Trackback links tonight, I found a back link to the “Forums” on GameSpot, and noticed a comment left by a member regarding Werewolves.


Apparently at the e3 demo show they confirmed the werewolf saying this about it:

“There will be. You now would get a werewolf a diferent way you would have to go to the cemetary at night and go in a secret entrance in a cave and after u are out, buy the new dog bed called ”Ravons Curse”and sleep in it while a gray black dog comes.

You then have to be friends. When u r best friends there will be a thing to click that says ”offer to turn” and then u wait ti’ll night when u are a werewolf. the cure is get the irangu lizard’s dna to create the cure.”


Is it possible that this info was mentioned @E3?  If anyone has any interview or link that confirms this was said, please pass it on to me! 🙂


