Rumor: 9 Expansions & 10 Stuff Packs for TS3?

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Rincon Del Simmer stumbled upon some interesting coding in the UI.package. It appears that the Sims 3 ‘Player Wall‘ has been updated to reflect changes in coding that only hit EP9 & SP10. Does the Sims 3 only have one more expansion left?


Welcome to a new episode of “Digging in The Sims 3”. This time, we enter the mysterious file where the settings of the user interface: UI.package , in the not-so-mysterious folder Electronic Arts \ The Sims 3 \ Game \ Bin \ UI …

Ah, I reached my destination: InGameWall , the configuration file player wall , a social feature of the latest patches. What we find here? For a lot of text do not understand. But if “dig” a little, get something interesting: there are settings for the various expansion packs and accessories. Maybe I’m wrong, but I think the icons are for games player profile. And here’s the kicker: There are settings for 10 accessory packs(SP1-SP10) but only 9 expansions (EP1-EP9).




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