Sims 3 Store: Thursday Sneak Peek!

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Via SimGuruTaterTot


Tatertot V2 here! It’s been a crazy few days – if you can’t tell by the limited-time release of the new simpoint bundle and the store homepage re-design. I wanted to give you all a sneak peek on a few things that are coming out this week…and what to expect next week.
As a heads up, we’ll be running the limited-time simpoint bundle through 12am PST, November 3, 2012.
Thursday 10/25 – The Store’s releasing two compilation sets – The Enchanted Bundle of Dark Dealing and the No Tricks, Just Treats Costume Compilation.


Friday 10/26 – The store will be beginning Halloween-themed Sales that will last through 11:59 pm PST, October 31st.

Wednesday 10/31 – We’ve got a 24-Hour of Power in Daily Deals!!!! (YAY!) Details on this will start trickling out in a few days
And just because I’ve been hearing a lot of questions regarding this…we’ll be releasing premium content on Thursday, November 1st. You’ll get a sneak peek of what it’ll look like next week.
That’s all for now!

– Tatertot

