Seasons: Info on the 5 Types of Snowmen

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Valgon57 has found information on the different types on Snowmen via the gameplay.package file. Check out the different types of Snowmen and how to create them!


– Fifty percent chance of sim discovering a new type when making snowman.
– Normal weighted chance of discovering new snowman type
– Types: Classic, Evil, Alien, Clown, Reaper, Hockey
Alien Snowman 


· Sim with Insane and Computer Whiz traits have 50:50 chance to learn alien snowman.

· Alien Sim has 50:50 chance to learn alien snowman.
Tragic Clown Snowman
· Sim with Grumpy and Hates Outdoors traits have 50:50 chance to learn tragic clown snowman.

· If sim’s Mood level is below -40 when finishing the snowman, they can learn how to make the tragic clown snowman.
Grim Reaper Snowman 
· Sim with Unlucky and Evil traits have 50:50 chance to learn grim reaper snowman.

· Elder sim has 50:50 chance to learn grim reaper snowman, chance is added to existing trait and tombstone chances.

· When finishing snowman, if 1 tombstone/urn is on the lot and/or sim’s inventory, that sim might learn Grim Reaper Snowman.


· If Sim has part time job at Mausoleum, 50:50 chance to learn grim reaper snowman.
Evil Snowman
· Sim with Daredevil, Evil, Mean Spirited, Hot Headed, Pyromaniac traits have 50:50 chance to learn evil snowman.
Hockey Snowman
· Sim with Athletic and Loves The Outdoors traits have 50:50 chance to learn hockey snowman.

· Better chance of sim learning how to make hockey snowman if there is an ice rink on the lot.
– After four snowmen are on the lot sims will stop autonomously choosing to build snowmen until one melts.


– After reaching its 40% life time the snowman will become Slightly Melted and after 80% it will turn into Mostly Melted state.

– A sim is more likely to choose to do the destroy snowman interaction when his/her LTR is below -50 (half-full mood bar?).

– There’s 75% chance of fight between sim that made snowman and sim that destroyed it if sim that made it is nearby when its destroyed.


– A pet will chew/scratch the snowman for 10 – 15 minutes.

