Final Seasons Fact Sheet Update & Guide Progress

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Seasons is right around the corner simmers! :mrgreen: I have just finished updating the fact sheet with the latest winter blog and info burst. This will be the final update I make to the fact sheet, as I have begun progress on the Seasons Game Guide.
Our Seasons Guide is the most anticipated yet, because as most of you know, there will not be a printed (or downloadable) Prima Guide. The Prima Guide will only be available as an “online only” $14.99 eGuide, which cannot even be printed.
As a reminder, the SimsVIP Seasons Guide will be free and available in PDF form for you to view on a tablet/smartphone, download & print. I have also scheduled time off work to begin the guide immediately upon release with no interruption.
With that said, check out the Seasons fact sheet to hold you over until your game arrives!
