Sims 3 Store Content Patch Version 2.0 (11/20/12)

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The Sims 3 Store has just released a store content patch to correct incompatibility issues with some Store Content, and updated all store objects’ compatibility with Seasons.


Thanks Rincon Del Simmer!


To install this update, please start your game and use the “Downloads” tab in your Launcher.
This Store update includes the following changes:

  • Updated objects to properly display snow and frost in winter with The Sims 3 Seasons installed.

  • Updated vehicle rigs to support water/snow FX from tires in inclement weather with The Sims 3 Seasons installed.

  • Updated fences to display the correct level of snow thickness in winter with The Sims3 Seasons installed.

  • Unlocked all Store purchased mailboxes for use in “buydebug” mode.

  • Fixed a compatibility issue with the Galactic Simball Arcade and the Atomic Jack Planet Attack Pinball Machine.


