For information on Monte Vista, please check out our Sims 3 World Guide. I will have a detailed post on the new Alfresco Venue later tonight.
The Sims 3 Monte Vista (Available as simpoint bundle only) – At Monte Vista you can discover a landscape rich with charm and money, where villas featuring sweeping views dot the gently rolling hills. Explore the vibrant community by visiting renowned museums, taking a stroll across the piazza, or learning the culinary arts on an authentic wood-fire oven. Fill your Sims’ homes with the smell of fresh-baked pizzas, calzones, lasagnas and breads. Will your Sims find the inspiration to fuel their culinary fires?

Al Fresco Street Market (1,700 SP) – Take a sunset stroll, enjoy a meal in the open air, and buy the best produce around at the Al Fresco Street Market. Professional gardeners can come to the market and sell their fresh produce while children try their hand with the lemonade stand. Best of all? This venue comes with new harvestable plants: Eggplant and Lemon Tree!

Wood Fire Oven (Not available for separate purchase at this time) – Is that the aroma of fresh baked bread cooking on an open flame? Nothing says culinary masterpiece like food freshly baked on a paddle with fire! Find your inner Mamma Mia while cooking an exciting variety of new recipes! Whether your Sims is cooking hand rolled breads, baking lasagnas like mom used to make, or achieving that perfect Pisano pizza toss, the Wood Fire Oven is your Sims answer to culinary delights!

Humble Harvest Stands (Not available for separate purchase at this time) – Any good gardener will tell you that you can’t get your best produce from any old grocery store. Trek on down to the farmer’s market and check out the Fruit and Veggie Stand! Pick up the freshest crops, sell your most bountiful harvest, and browse the top seeds to fill out your garden. Also, don’t forget to bank some extra Simoleons with your very own Lemonade Stand! Whether you want to be your neighborhood fruit juice connection or dole out life advice as an amateur psychiatrist, the lemonade stand will help bring out the entrepreneurial spirit in you!