Coming Soon: Clothing & Accessories by Jacob Kok

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The Sims 3 Netherlands has posted a press release for Jacob Kok’s “Paradise” collection. It is not known when and where these new items will appear, but you can take a peek at his clothing and accessories line on his website.
The “Paradise” collection is set to premier at the 18th annual Amsterdam Fashion Week, so I presume we will hear more about when the collection will be available for our games then. We’ll keep you posted!

Thanks to SimsNieuws for the tip!


Translated Text

The Sims 3 stores teamed with fashion designer Jacob Cook, winner of Project Catwalk 2011. On January 23, 2013 – the opening night of the 18th Amsterdam Fashion Week – he shows his collection PARADISE press and visitors.
With PARADISE Jacob Cook continues his research into the meaning of fashion in the virtual world. ” We are a large part of the day in a virtual domain. I’m interested in the way we view ourselves online through our alter egos present. I find it very exciting to work with The Sims to find a balance between physical and virtual collections. ”
Pien Ooms, Sr.. Product Manager EA Netherlands: ‘Sims players are very interested in fashion items and accessories in their game. Several strong brands and celebrities like Katy Perry have previously worked with The Sims, but this collaboration with a specific fashion designer in the Netherlands for the first time. 


