The Party Has Ended for Tonight Folks!

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Anyone else’s eyes burning? Mine are! ๐Ÿ˜› ย The party will resume tomorrow around 10:00am Central Time (USA). *around being the key word here* ๐Ÿ˜†
Thank you to everyone for participating in today’s contests, and don’t worry, we have lots of prizes left for tomorrow! Go relax and enjoy what’s left of this Saturday night…or morning for those of you overseas!
Also, I want to give a HUUUUUGE thanks to The Sims 3 UK for providing all the official Sims 3 Merchandise. Much appreciated!

Please Note: All giveaway posts from today will be dated back to March 16th, this way they are pushed to the back end of the site. All of today’s giveaways can be viewed under the “Giveaways” category.



