Seasons’ Aliens & University’s Forbidden Fruit

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As noted by Vuneca on official forums, when you have The Sims 3 Seasons & University Expansions installed, the Forbidden Fruit offers a new way to create and add an Alien to your household.
Aliens who “pick” the forbidden fruit have a chance of receiving an “Alien Plant Baby”. This type of PlantSim baby will not acquire the PlantSim occult trait.
Aliens who are successful at picking a Plant Baby will pass on 50% of their DNA bloodline. Any DNA percentage lower than 20%, is no longer considered an Alien in the game, and therefore has no alien powers. Babies who have less than 20% of Alien DNA will acquire the PlantSim powers.

For more information on Aliens, please refer to our Seasons Game Guide

For more information on PlantSims, please refer to our University Game Guide


❗ These are DNA samples from a test I personally conducted, so results will vary in different games
♦ 100% Alien DNA + Forbidden Fruit Baby Pick = 51.8% (+/- 10%) Alien DNA
♦ 50% Alien DNA + Forbidden Fruit Baby Pick = 21.3% (+/- 10%) Alien DNA
♦ 21.3 Alien DNA + Forbidden Fruit Baby Pick = 15.2% (+/- 10%) Alien DNA (No Alien Powers; Is PlantSim)



