Community Spotlight: Platinum Simmers (Fansite)

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Here to kick off April’s Community Spotlight, is Sims Community Fansite Platinum Simmers! In a brief introduction below, SwwSims gives readers a chance to learn a bit more about their work. If you don’t already know who they are, you will now! Take it away!

Untitl12124124edHi Everyone! My name is Maaike (or @swwsims on twitter) and I’m one of the owners of On our site we write articles & guides, keep track of news, and share the awesome things this Sims community makes. In real life I am currently jobhunting for a community management position, but let’s talk about the fun stuff called The Sims.
I’ve been playing The Sims since it was first released in The Netherlands (where I am from) in 2000, thinking back that this has been over 14 years makes me feel really old, where did time go? There are many things that I love about these games but the thing that comes to mind the most is the humour and quirky things my Sims do. After all this time I can still be surprised.
We started Platinum Simmers about 2.5 years ago, we wanted to share our own thoughts, experience and knowledge on these games. Our motto is by simmers, for simmers. We play the game and like to share what we have learned.
Besides me there’s also @moza_jf, @blackgarden and @deagh. We’re just 4 people but we play the games in such different ways, some of us build more, some achieve goals, some do legacies/challenges. Another reason to love The Sims, there is not 1 correct way to play.
Through Platinum Simmers and The Sims Community I joined this amazing thing called Twitter. I’ve met so many amazing people/Simmers on there. You should always feel free to tweet at me and other Simmers, if you have a question or comment, go tweet it! We’re all human.
On twitter it also incredibly fun to talk to the Sims developers. Even though they make magic, they are people too (who all seem to love cats or dogs, try and find anyone on twitter who doesn’t like pets). You also find out how much the SimGurus love the game too. Some will spend their weekends playing The Sims and SimCity.
Since starting Platinum Simmers it all snowballed and EA has invited us/me to several community events. I never imagined that would happen. The most memorable event for me being SimsCamp, it was insane and I made dozens and dozens of new friends there that I still talk to also met some of the smartest people ever. I also learned 1 important lesson, those who were with me at the dinner table will remember: do not ever ask a radiologist what the worst thing is he has ever seen in his work.
If you couldn’t make it to Gamescom last year and are from the UK, on the 24th of May Beyondsims, Rachybop and Platinum Simmers are organizing a meetup in London where everyone can come! Come talk about Sims for a day with people who love it as much as you do! For more details check out this page:


Even Arthur from Simified (USA!) and James (TheSimSupply, Australia!) are coming! (Been trying to convince Alexis to come but she is stubborn – comment below if you think Alexis should fly to the UK in May).
I want to thank Alexis for giving me this opportunity! Also many thanks to you, this community consists of more people than I can count and I think it is the friendliest gaming community out there. That is done by all of us. It’s going to be an exciting year when we finally get The Sims 4 (seriously, when are we getting some more news?) news and later on the game.

