Guide: How to Resurrect a Sim in The Sims 4

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*UPDATE* – The Book of Life’s functionality has been updated since the October 1st patch that added ghosts. Rather than resurrecting a Sim, the book will only summon the ghost from their grave.

Once summoned you will have to invite them into your household, and have the ghost “Restore” their own life from the book. SimGuruDaniel confirms this is not a bug and is part of the challenge.


Resurrect via the Book of Life

• Reach Level 10 in the Writing Skill

• Complete the “Bestselling Author” Aspiration

• Write “The Book of Life” on the Computer

• Once the book is complete, click it and “Capture Epic Saga…” of a nearby Sim

• You must “Capture Epic Saga” of a Sim BEFORE they die

• When the Sim dies, use the “Summon” interaction for their ghost to emerge from the grave

• Invite the ghost to be a part of your household (Requires 95% Friendship level)

• The ghost must then use their Book of Life to “Restore Life”
Note: You must build a friendship level of 95% in order to ask a ghost to move into your home. Feel free to use the relationship cheats to raise your relationship faster, or Shift + Click and “Add to Family”

This process can be performed on multiple Sims, with multiple books. There is no limit on how many “The Book of Life” books you can write, nor how many different Sims you can bring to life.


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Resurrect via Ambrosia

If writing is not your forte, try learning to Cook. Ambrosia is a rare single serving food dish that can bring a ghost back to life or reset the age of a living Sim. The dish can be worth upwards of 2500 Simoleons, and lasts 10 hours outside the fridge without spoiling.

Skill Levels required for Ambrosia:

  • Level 10 of the Cooking Skill
  • Level 10 of the Gourmet Cooking Skill
  • Level 7 of the Gardening Skill

Ingredients required for Ambrosia:

  • Angelfish(Uncommon Fish found in Willow Creek)
  • Death Flower(Acquired by splicing the Orchid and Pomegranate plants)
  • Potion of Youth(Purchase this from the Rewards Store for 1500 Satisfaction Points)

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