Sims 4 Get Together: Unlimited Club (Perk) Points Cheat by TwistedMexi

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The always awesome TwistedMexi has just released a much needed wanted mod for the Club Perks and Point system in Get Together. I played around with the mod last night, and can honestly say it’s very handy, if only to experience what each perk has to offer.

Download the mod over at TwistedMexi and use the cheat provided (tm.clubcredit amount) to add points to your Club. If you do not enter an amount, the cheat it will auto add 100 Points to your balance. Or just add a custom amount for better results. 😉


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For a complete list of Club Perks and information on creating and managing Clubs in The Sims 4 Get Together, be sure to head over to SimsVIP’s Get Together Game Guide.
