RUMOR: Slovakian Retailer Lists The Sims 4 Bundle Pack #3 For Release in March

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Polish fanpage Simowie has found a listing for the next Sims 4 Game Bundle on Slovakian retailer The game pack does not include any details or game titles, but has an ETA of March 30th, 2016. If true, that would insinuate that the recently teased game pack is on schedule for some time next month. Is an announcement on the horizon?

Sims 4 Game Bundles consist of 2 Stuff Packs & a Game Pack (EU/UK/AUS), and one of each in North America. The Romantic Garden and Movie Hangout Stuff Packs will eventually be part of a bundle, so now we have to wait and see which game pack joins them!


As always, without official announcements or info by The Sims Team regarding the next Sims 4 Game Pack and release date, consider this to be a rumor until proven otherwise. 

