WARNING: Sims 4 Patch 1.25.135 Breaks Club System

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❗ The Sims Team has released a brand new Game Patch today that is supposed to correct the issue with the broken Club System. Please see here to update your games. 

If you own The Sims 4 Get Together and have (or are going to) update to the latest Sims 4 1.25.135 Game Patch, please note that this patch will break the Club System in the game. Users on the official forums are reporting a variety of club breaking issues.


SimGuruNick has stated they are looking into the issue, but in the meantime, you will want to steer clear of using any saves with Clubs. Thanks to alanmichael1 and the always awesome Crinrict for the following information on the issue. See here for additional help.

  • Restarting the game or changing the lot, will reset your club points to zero points. They will come back after starting a meeting or clicking on the group settings.
  • If you have existing groups with more than 6 people, the extra members will be removed and the places locked
  • After restarting the game, every new member in smaller groups will be evicted although they’re place stays unlocked
  • The lot the meeting starts isn’t really the lot type chosen

This affects new and old saves and it’s unclear to what extent it will break your clubs. I would suggest not playing any existing save games that you have clubs in. If you haven’t patched yet, you can try avoiding the patch but you’ll need to put Origin in offline mode before it gets a chance to know about the patch. Be sure to backup your files before attempting tests.
