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Check out SimsVIP’s Vintage Glamour Stuff Game Guide for help with your game. ❗

The Sims 4 Vintage Glamour Stuff is the ninth Stuff Pack for The Sims 4 and features new items, clothing, hair and new gameplay. Is this latest addition worth the $10 asking price or is it something your Sims can skip? Well, stick around as we answer this question!

What’s new?

The Sims 4 Vintage Glamour Stuff comes with around 75 new additions to Build/Buy Mode and Create a Sim as well as some new gameplay features and a new TV channel.The theme of this Stuff Pack is a mixture of glamourous items with a dash of Asian themes previously seen in both The Sims 2 and Sims 3 Stores.


New Gameplay

The Sims 4 Vintage Glamour Stuff comes with several new gameplay features. These are the reintroduction of the fan-favourite Butler NPC, a vanity table and a globe that doubles as a bar.

The Butler

For around §2,000 per week, your Sims can make their lives much easier by hiring a Butler to come and live with them and tend to their every whim and desire. You hire the Butler the same way as you would any other Service NPC and shortly after your randomly generated Butler will arrive and take care of your Sims’ home. You can assign your Butler their own living quarters and bed by using the new door lock and bed interaction.

By default, your swanky new Butler will clean dirty items, repair broken objects, tend to your younger Sims, play an instrument, garden and cook. But the great thing about the Butler is that what tasks they take care of can be changed to your liking. So, if you don’t want your Butler tending to your prized tomatoes, you can tell them not to garden.


You can also tell your Butler how to handle Visitors. If your Sims are far too posh to answer the door themselves, your Butler can do that for you. Or maybe your Sim doesn’t like having unexpected visitors, well, you can tell your Butler to dismiss them! Or they can do nothing. It’s up to you really.

I do really like the Butler, although the one I had seemed to have an unhealthy obsession with the new Globe Bar. It’s pretty funny watching them become embarrassed when your Sim catches them slacking off. You may also want to check out the Traits for you Butler too, I was getting very confused when things I thought I’d purchased started to go missing. For a while I was thinking that I’d forgot to purchase something, then I caught my Butler swiping items. Turned out he was a Klepto. He was fired not long after.

The Vanity Table

The next addition to the new gameplay items is the Vanity Table. This item is probably my favourite thing about this pack as it adds in a touch of realism to the game. The Vanity Table offers the same interactions as a standard mirror with the addition of an Apply Make-up interaction. When you select this option, you are met with many different premade make-up options for your Sims to apply to their face.

The new make-up will be temporarily added to the Sims current outfit choice and will override any existing make-up your Sim could be wearing. For those that are concerned that the effect is permanent, rest assured that your previous make-up choices selected in CAS remain intact and will return when the make-up is washed off in a bath or shower.


Children are also able to Play With Makeup with some amusing results. They can either make a complete mess of their face, or a not so complete mess. Either way, it’s a nice little addition to this object.

The reason why I love this item so much is that it adds to the immersion of the game. I often dislike my Sims wearing make-up all the time, so this item allows me to have them not wear it, but apply it as I wish, knowing that it won’t be there each time they wear an outfit. This is great if you want your Sims to get ready for a date or night out! Something that I dislike about the Vanity Table is that there is no option to remove make-up. It would have been a great addition to this item.

The Globe Bar

I’m not going to lie, I’m not overly impressed with the Globe Bar. The item looks great and the new drinks come with interesting designs for their bottles, but I feel like we are being over saturated with drink options at this point. We have bars, drink trays from Spa Day, drinks fountains, a fruit juice tray. There’s a lot of options and at this point it seems to be a trend to add in a new drink option for Stuff Packs.


What does set this item apart from the other drink items is the new interactions available on it. Depending on the age of the Sim and their traits, they can view the item for a few Emtion boosting Moodlets. Children Sims can also spin the globe and, on occasion, smash the contents inside. For me personally, this will most likely be an item I put in the corner of an office or study and not used that often.

Build and Buy Mode Additions

Given that this is a Stuff Pack, the items in Build and Buy Mode really lets this pack down. A lot of the items have limited use and not because of the design, but because of the lack of completion. What items we do get are very nicely made and could be used in a variety of places. However, given that this pack follows an ever-frequent trend of not completing furniture sets, it’s use to me is limited.

We get an absolutely gorgeous sofa, complete with cushions, but that’s it. There’s no love seat or armchair option to match this sofa. The colour options with the two (TWO!) dining chairs match perfectly with the new Ottoman, but these colour options don’t match the sofa.


We also got a new window and door, but again, this feels incomplete. There’s no single tiled option for the door and the window comes in one wall height option. So don’t expect to have tall windows with your tall walls. Ironically, there is are three identical mirrors included in the pack that DO give you the option of different wall heights.

We also get five new lamps and several décor items. Oh, and two new beds! The beds I actually love and they definitely embody the “glamorous” look this pack is trying to achieve!

Create a Sim Additions

The Sims 4 Vintage Glamour Stuff comes with a handful of new items for Create a Sim. There isn’t much there, but what we do get is amazing. We get a couple of new hairstyles for the ladies and they look great. One is more suited for formal outfits while the other is very versatile. The clothing options are also great and there are a few things for all ages.


While there isn’t much in the way of Create a Sim options, with all the content we’ve had in previous packs, you can mix and match a lot of things with these items to get that “vintage” and “glamorous” look. The Create a Sim options is like the embodiment of the phrase by Robert Browning “Less is more”.


The Sims 4 Vintage Glamour Stuff retails for $9.99 USD and contains around 75 new items. The items are very well made and look great, but their use is limited.

Final Thoughts

While the new items added look great and the new gameplay features are something I can see myself using a lot, I can’t recommend this pack at it’s retail price of $10. The pack itself feels incomplete and full of fodder for the two main things, the Butler and Vanity Table.


I say it feels incomplete because of the lack of a loveseat and armchair matching the sofa and that there is no new end table matching the style of the bed and two new dressers. People who spend a lot of time in Build and Buy Mode may get more from this pack if they try to find items that somewhat match. However, people who prefer to play in Live Mode and only jump into Build Mode to quickly upgrade a room will most likely not use much from this pack as it’s hard to match things to get a cohesive look.

If you are a completionist who MUST have every pack, I think you’d be better off waiting for a hefty sale of 50-75% off before picking this pack up. For people who don’t mind missing out on packs, this pack doesn’t offer much that you will feel is missing from your game.

The Sims 4 Vintage Glamour Stuff is now available worldwide. Thank you for taking the time to read this review and I hope it has helped you make a decision about the Stuff Pack. Take care and have an amazing day!

New Gameplay
Build/Buy Objects
Create a Sim
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Wee Albet, or Peter, is a 27 year old gamaholic! He has been a huge fan of The Sims since it first released in 2000, and joined SimsVIP in 2013. Being a gamer for all his life, his other gaming favourites include the Resident Evil, Assassin’s Creed and Tomb Raider series’. When he isn’t gaming, he is either working or wondering what game to play.