Latest Origin Update Allows You To Throttle Download Speeds

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There’s a new update available in Origin as of June 20th: Version – 0

Version 10.4.13

  • You asked, we answered – this week was all about listening to your feedback and implementing some of the features you want most, plus fresh quality of life improvements:
    • Download speeds can now be throttled–players get to decide how much bandwidth a game download should take up, both when they’re playing a game and when they’re not. This can be accessed in the Application Settings
    • An FPS meter (for tracking frame rate) is now accessible in-game, so game settings can be optimized.
    • Interface improvements had been made to the party invite system.
    • Friend recommendation bug fix to update “You have [#] friends in common” dialogue.
    • Clicking a friend tile now redirects to their profile.
    • Networking performance and load time improvements.
    • And, as always, miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements to make your life better.

