Community Spotlight: SimmerJonny (YouTuber)

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Here to kick off SimsVIP’s August Community Spotlight is Community YouTuber SimmerJonny! In a brief introduction below, Jonny gives readers a chance to learn a bit more about what he does in the community. Take it away Jonny!

Untitl12124124edHi there! My name is Jonny and I have an absolute blast making sims videos on YouTube! I am 27 years old, have four wonderful dogs and am enjoying life right now. I first want to thank SimsVIP for making me August’s Community Spotlight, it’s a real honour!


Currently on YouTube, I post regular Let’s Plays with The Sims games, but originally, I started out making machinima. For those of you that have been with me since the beginning, you will already know that I didn’t always go by the name ‘Simmer Jonny’, as I used to be known as ‘CleverBox Pictures’. This was when I solely focused on machinima made with The Sims 2, 3 and eventually 4. Although I do still work quite hard on my machinima pieces, I’ve found a new hobby within YouTube and that’s Let’s Plays, building and so much more!

Today I go by ‘Simmer Jonny’ and I basically live and breathe The Sims Franchise. I have been here since day 1 when the original game was released and I haven’t stopped since. I was merely 10 years old at the time and I am now 27, so a huge portion of my life has been spent controlling pixelated virtual ones! Seriously, what a way to live!

I strive to let my passion for this game shine through onto my YouTube channel, where I post daily videos. Not only do I have way too much recording Let’s Plays, but I also try my hand at building (I’m getting better I swear), CAS and I always aim to be post news as quickly as possible.


Because The Sims has been such a huge part of my life, I love to share this passion by giving my thoughts, opinions and expressing my excitement on where this franchise is headed.

I’ve taken inspiration from the likes of TheSimSupply, XUrbanSimsX, EnglishSimmer and many more when it comes to love I try to put into my channel.

I have not had too many friends throughout my life, and school/teenage years can be summed up in one word; nightmare. But thanks to this game, I could lose myself and escape the dark and bleak real world for one I finally felt at home in. I can honestly say, hand on heart, that The Sims has changed my life.


However now, thanks to social media and YouTube, I have met many dear friends, some even best friends (you know who you are) and I am finally in a place where I can be happy. Not only this, but the people who take the time to watch my videos, comment and even subscribe, have helped boost my self confidence and turn my life around. I can’t thank them all enough.

I have grown up with these sims in my life and I am in no way ready for that to end!

Thank you so much SimsVIP for including me in your community spotlight run, and I hope you all have an absolutely amazing day!


