UPDATE: Iron Seagull has confirmed that each attendee will only be allowed to share ONE image. Assuming there were 40-ish attendees, and they all share an image, we will have around 40 new screenshots from Create-a-Pet.
NOTE: Attendees are only allowed to share their images and are not allowed to give their opinions on the game or share any information.
Multiple Sims Camp attendees are reporting that the embargo for their Sims 4 Cats & Dogs Create-a-Pet Screenshots ends tomorrow. Starting September 21st at 7am Pacific Time, they will be able to share their Create-a-Pet screenshots with the community.
Even with the supposed changes to the original embargo dates, the dates have (so far) matched up with what was originally reported. If the upcoming embargo dates also remain unchanged, the next info drop will be in October.

Unser erster eigener Robo-Hund erstellt beim #SimsCamp2017 😀 Bald haben wir mehr für euch zum kommenden EP #TS4CatsAndDogs | #SponsoredByEA pic.twitter.com/48QGGEtobL
— SimTimes (@SimTimes) September 21, 2017
When I was at #SimsCamp2017 I decided to make my dog Lottie as a bad ass with a hoodie #TS4CatsAndDogs #SponsoredByEA pic.twitter.com/xG5tjXbkhp
— James Turner (@JamesTurnerYT) September 21, 2017
why have a normal dog when you can have a ROBODOG?! #SimsCamp2017 #TS4CatsAndDogs #SponsoredByEA pic.twitter.com/tsfRspdZ1G
— Sasha (@Vixella) September 21, 2017
One of the cuties I created at Sims Camp! Cuddly Teady Bear Puppy#SimsCamp2017 #TS4CatsAndDogs #SponsoredByEA @TheSims @KrystinMyrieXo pic.twitter.com/lVZpiYiKhL
— KrystinMyrieXo (@KrystinMyrieXo) September 21, 2017
So I created Mr. Shadow in @TheSims 4 Cats & Dogs #SimsCamp2017#TS4CatsAndDogs#SponsoredByEA pic.twitter.com/G8UICJRzYv
— Jessica (: (@realjessamica92) September 21, 2017
Have no fear, Green Llama Dog is here! #SimsCamp2017 #TS4CatsAndDogs #SponsoredByEA pic.twitter.com/JBN84KhgXe
— Iron Seagull (@Iron_Cgull) September 21, 2017
I can finally share the pet I created during SimsCamp 😀 #SimsCamp2017 #TS4CatsAndDogs#SponsoredByEA pic.twitter.com/2NpZbDAyho
— DutchSims 4 Master (@DutchSimsMaster) September 21, 2017
Look at this little cutie I made at #SimsCamp2017!! #TS4CatsAndDogs #SponsoredByEA pic.twitter.com/fEugqwpNng
— The English Simmer ⋄ (@EnglishSimmer) September 21, 2017
New screenshot from #TS4CatsAndDogs in Create a Pet! Look at his expression! ❤️ #SimsCamp2017 #SponsoredByEA pic.twitter.com/ubyvYqdZJb
— Sims Online (@Sims_Online) September 21, 2017
GUYS LOOK I FINALLY GOT TO HAVE MY VERY OWN FLOOFY ORANGE CAT #SimsCamp2017 #TS4CatsAndDogs #SponsoredByEA pic.twitter.com/swMinQL0cU
— Kayla Sims (@lilsimsie) September 21, 2017
I made this adoreable dog named Charlie at #SimsCamp2017 #TS4CatsAndDogs #SponsoredByEA pic.twitter.com/T7OBC6jSi1
— SpringSims (@spring_sims) September 21, 2017
Don’t you just want to rub my belly? I created this little cutie at #SimsCamp2017! #TS4CatsAndDogs #SponsoredByEA pic.twitter.com/O3NPad9p66
— Arsen Girl Gaming (@ArsenGrl) September 21, 2017
tão educadinho, fui tirar um print e resolveu fazer um totô na hora…. 💩#SimsCamp2017 #TS4CatsAndDogs #SponsoredByEA #TS4GatoseCaes pic.twitter.com/9SXrWscM2N
— funBABE (@aiquefun) September 21, 2017
Look at this little snickerdoodle I made at #SimsCamp2017 !! So Cute! I want a kitten like this IRL 😍 #TS4CatsAndDogs #SponsoredByEA pic.twitter.com/0sPK8n9224
— Sims & Chill (@Xmiramira) September 21, 2017
Le gagnant du vote est notre ami le renard avec sa bouille…Un mot pour le décrire? 😍#SimsCamp2017 #TS4CatsAndDogs #SponsoredbyEA @LesSims pic.twitter.com/LtTh96yDS4
— 🌹 Devovo ❄ (@DevovoTV) September 21, 2017
#SimsCamp2017! #TS4CatsAndDogs #SponsoredByEA pic.twitter.com/ueqtfKQPWo
— ageekychick (@ageekychick) September 21, 2017
he attac, he protec but most importantly he perfec #SimsCamp2017 #TS4CatsAndDogs #SponsoredbyEA pic.twitter.com/YdjxPcCLdI
— Steph (@steph0sims) September 21, 2017
Na wer kennt die Katze ?! #TS4CatsAndDogs #SponsoredByEA #SimsCamp2017 pic.twitter.com/uurFWDN1SV
— Zockermimi (@ZoCkErMiMi) September 21, 2017
We made a new friend at #SimsCamp2017 ! What should we call him? 😍 #TS4CatsAndDogs#SponsoredByEA pic.twitter.com/CYTLlV9Wqe
— Make2 (@make2tv) September 21, 2017
My little Fluttershy inspired bubba! 💛🌸#SimsCamp2017 #TS4CatsAndDogs #SponsoredByEA pic.twitter.com/jne5gStCXL
— Kaleidow (@Kaleidow_) September 21, 2017
Look at this ADORABLE Savannah Cat, Kitten IN #TS4CatsAndDogs CREATE A PET! 😍#SimsCamp2017 #SponsoredByEA pic.twitter.com/fp4KIk138q
— Jenn 💋 (@XUrbanSimsX) September 21, 2017
So happy that I can have my baby Alice in #TS4CatsAndDogs Here’s who I made at #SimsCamp2017 #SponsoredByEA 💜🐱🐾 pic.twitter.com/I4LPhu3fKh
— RoryPlays (@RoryPlays_) September 21, 2017
Mirad, amores! Esta es una de las mascotas que hice en el #SimsCamp2017. Qué os parece? XD #TS4CatsAndDogs #SponsoredByEA pic.twitter.com/zoEtYdHDYf
— Reah🐥 #POLLO (@LadyReahOfi) September 21, 2017
The Sims 4 Cats and Dogs looks great! I’ll make the most amazing pets!
Me: #simscamp2017 #TS4CatsAndDogs #SponsoredByEA pic.twitter.com/SZXa0KvYTW— Dylan (8Bit) (@EightBitDylan) September 21, 2017
APRESENTO PRA VCS… DAGNY BIONICÃO #SimsCamp2017 #TS4CatsAndDogs #SponsoredByEA 🐶🐱 @TheSims pic.twitter.com/hhdEBXwIUY
— Rao (@RaonyPhillips) September 21, 2017
Had an amazing opportunity to play with Cats & Dogs in advance, here’s a screenshot I took!#SimsCamp2017#TS4CatsAndDogs#SponsoredByEA pic.twitter.com/pHBlP9uI8i
— Andrew Arcade (@AndrewArcade) September 21, 2017
Look at my wittle Miniature Poodle #TS4CatsandDogs #SimsCamp2017 #SponsoredbyEA pic.twitter.com/xm0upvi5lI
— ReilaRacks♡♛ (@XureilaYT) September 21, 2017
When EA sent me to #SimsCamp2017 to preview #TS4CatsAndDogs and said “MAKE THE PET OF YOUR DREAMS” I knew what I had to do… #SponsoredByEA pic.twitter.com/6LxPVYuppZ
— Aureylian (@aureylian) September 21, 2017
Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t be a rainbow dragon fox with a curly tail! #SimsCamp2017 #TS4CatsAndDogs #SponsoredByEA pic.twitter.com/H25fISUeTp
— MoonLiteWolf (@MoonLiteWolfPro) September 22, 2017
Je vous présente Grant 🐶 ! Il est adoré par sa maîtresse mais ce n’est pas vraiment un ange.. Vous en saurez plus bientôt ! 😃#SimsCamp2017 pic.twitter.com/MF5izGNP2l
— Pixia (@Pixia40) September 22, 2017