SITE NEWS: Server Upgrades, PDF Guides, & Forums (2018 Updates)

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Hey everyone! I am excited to announce new updates to the site, along with information on changes to the server, our forums, and our PDF Guides. Last year was a phenomenal year for SimsVIP, and we want to make your experience even better this year. 🙂

Thanks to the talented work of community modder TwistedMexican, we migrated to new servers that can handle our ever growing traffic. This allows us to deliver everything to you better, faster, and stronger. Please be sure to head over to TwistedMexi’s Patreon page and show him some love and support for the long hours he put in! He has plans to be a lot more active in 2018!


With all the server and site changes that have taken place these last few weeks, here’s a breakdown of everything that’s happening at SimsVIP in 2018:

• SimsVIP’s Forums were left in 2017. When we began migrating to the new server, the forum software became corrupted and we lost files. Unfortunately, the backup of the forums also ended up corrupted, which means we lost the forums permanently. After some consideration, we decided to leave the forums closed indefinitely.

• PDF Game Guides are now FREE. We’re excited to announce that all Sims 4 PDF Guides are now free for everyone to download! For those who purchased game guides on our forums over the last 30 days, you have been fully refunded via PayPal. For those who already own several of our guides, you can always access the guides via our PDF Downloads Page.

• NEW PDF Game Guide Downloads Page. Be sure to check out our brand new PDF Guide download page, where you can get quick access to all our Sims 3 & Sims 4 PDF Guides. Don’t forget to bookmark the page for future reference!

• Paypal & Ko-Fi Donations. Over the last 7 years I have received numerous requests to set up a donation page for readers to support the site. For those who want to contribute to the site using these services, head over to our PayPal, Ko-Fi, and Patreon links to donate. Donations received are used to help pay for things like giveaways and server costs.

With all that out of the way, we are excited to start a new year with much needed changes and upgrades to give our readers a better experience in 2018 and beyond. Thank you all for your continued support and dedication for 7 wonderful years! 🙂
