The Sims 4: SimsKrystallen Interviews Ilan Eshkeri

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SimsKrystallen has interviewed Ilan Eshkeri, composer of The Sims 4 Soundtrack.

Who is Ilan Eshkeri?
Ilan is the person behind the GREAT music in The Sims 4. He is a busy man, so unfortunately he didn’t have the time to answer all the questions we wanted from him, but we are very pleased that he took the time to to answer any some of questions he received from us.

When did you start making with music?
I learned to play the violin at the age of four, but whenever I learned a new piece of music I always wanted to change the notes, inspired by my synesthesia, a strong association between notes and colours. so in a way I was always composing music from the moment I started learning to play it.


