Community Spotlight: Nolan-Sims (Custom Content Creator)

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Here to kick off SimsVIP’s June Community Spotlight is CC Creator Nolan-Sims! In a brief introduction below, Sarah gives readers a chance to learn a bit more about what she does in the community. Take it away Sarah!

Untitl12124124ed Hello! My name is Sarah and I’m a 24-year-old New Yorker. I currently work as a full-time Graphic Designer/Artist at a museum and live a fairly quiet life in the mountains with my wonderful partner (and tons of houseplants). In my spare time, I make and share Custom Content (CC) for the Sims 4 under the name Nolan-Sims.


I was first introduced to the Sims while at a friend’s house with my older sister. After hours of giggling and watching our friend turn Sims into science projects, we were hooked and had to have it. Ever since then, I haven’t been able to put it down! Fast forward a few years: Sims 3 released. With it, I finally decided to dip my toes into the online community. I met so many interesting Simmers through the official Sims 3 website; we shared our stories, builds, etc. With the help of one of those Simmers, I found and joined the Simming community on Tumblr (Simblr).

I’ve been sharing my CC through Tumblr since March of 2015. The reason I first started making CC was due to there being specific things I wanted in my game that I couldn’t find online or through official packs/expansions. So, I spent a lot of time reading and teaching myself how to edit textures, 3D meshes, etc. so I could do it myself! My style of CC creation focuses on feminine fashion and the occasional hairstyle or accessory. If you like florals and soft colors, you’ve come to the right place!

I’m also part of a collaborative group called the Plumbob Tea Society. Between 19 other CC creators and I, we’ve made 3 fully fleshed out Stuff Packs and tons of mini/birthday packs (my favorite being the Cottage Garden Stuff Pack!). PTS also runs a Discord server where we help others to create CC of their own. You can find me there chatting it up on a daily basis– Be sure to stop by!


All-and-all, being a Simmer and creator has made me want to learn more and do more; to keep improving on myself and my craft. For example, it’s motivated me to advance my 3D modeling skills through online courses in the hopes of pursuing a career in game design or 3D animation. It’s been such a wonderful experience being a part of the community and I’m so grateful for the friends it’s given me and for all that I’ve learned. I’m so excited for the future of the game and what I’ll do next!

Lastly, I’m so honored to have been given the opportunity to be included on your site. Thank you so much, Alexis! If you want to keep up with me or the work I collaborate on through PTS, be sure to check out the social media links below. Thanks so much for reading!

Plumbob Tea Society:

