How To Complete the “Summer Throwdown League” Event (Dartboard) in The Sims Mobile

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CLICK HERE for the 2019 “Super Throwdown League” Event Guide ❗

There’s a new quest in The Sims Mobile! The Summer Throwdown League Event is now available for a limited time, giving players 4 days to complete the necessary steps that will reward them with the final “Barback Juice-Off” and “Dartboard” rewards. This event also grants “Participation Ribbons” for completing everyday and event related tasks.

Ribbons can be used to purchase items from the Consolation Prize Chest and Championship Chest. Both boxes contain the same items, the only difference is that you have a choice of purchasing with Ribbons (250) or SimCash (50). More on this later in the post.


To begin this quest, select the “Quests” tab on the right side of your screen. If you do not see the “Discover Competitive Side” quest, restart your game.

The Competitive Side Event is marked with a golden “Limited Time” banner

To complete the Summer Throwdown League Event, you will have to complete 18 individual quests in the game. You will receive rewards and Participation Ribbons along the way (the new event related currency), and be rewarded the “Great Barback Juice Off” object once you complete the final quest. Below is the list of quests (in the order they appear) that you need to complete, along with rewards and requirements.




How to Complete Each Quest (Info)

Tapping the info button on each quest lets you know what you need to do to complete each task. To access the special events, click the “Trophy” icon on the top right of your screen. You can easily attend special events in the game from there.

  • Quest #1 – Tap on 3 appliances and use the “Argue with” interaction
  • Quest #2 – Tap on 3 Sims and use the “Are You Competitive” interaction
  • Quest #3 – Start a “Rival Relationship” story with a Sim.
  • Quest #4 – Attend a party and complete actions until you earn 3 stars
  • Quest #5 – Complete events to earn 650 Simoleons
  • Quest #6 – Tap on 3 Sims to complete 3 Relationship Events
  • Quest #7 – Travel to the Restaurant and start the “Competitive Eating” Event
  • Quest #8 – Travel to work and complete 2 Separate Career Chapters
  • Quest #9 – At home, tap on a Sofa or Loveseat to start the “Competitive Spirit” Event
  • Quest #10 – Complete a Daily Task List
  • Quest #11 – Travel to the Restaurant and start the “Competitive Eating” Event
  • Quest #12 – Complete a Daily Task List
  • Quest #13 – Earn 20 Sim Tickets (Purchased tickets count as well)
  • Quest #14 – At home, tap on a Sofa or Loveseat to start the “Competitive Spirit” Event
  • Quest #15 – Spend 2000 Participation Ribbons on Chests
  • Quest #16 – Travel to the Restaurant and start the “Competitive Eating” Event
  • Quest #17 – Complete 2 Hobby Story Chapters
  • Quest #18 – At home, tap on a Sofa or Loveseat to start the “Competitive Spirit” Event

Once you have completed all 18 quests for this event, you’ll unlock the Great Barback Juice Off object. You can find the item in build/buy or a Sim’s inventory.


Consolation & Championship Chests

When completing quests and events related to the Competitive Side event, and performing everyday random tasks in the world, Sims will earn special “Participation Ribbons”. These ribbons can then be redeemed for special CAS and Build/Buy items in the game.

There are two types of Chests: Consolation Prize and Championship Chest. The only difference between the two is that items purchased in the Consolation Chest require 250 Ribbons, and items from the Championship Chest require 50 SimCash. The latter of the two allows you to purchase and complete the collection without Participation Ribbons.


❗ To access the Chests, select the Trophy icon on the upper right side of the screen, or select the “Store” icon on the top left of the screen. 

The Summer Throwdown League Collection consists of CAS and Build/Buy Items, including the new interactive Dartboard object. Items are listed by “rarity” (Common, Uncommon, and Rare) and your chances of receiving them depend on the game. There are also some other rewards included like Fashions Gems and SimCash.

The entire collection includes the following items: 

  • Create-a-Sim Items
    • (1) Haute Dog Costume
    • (1) Downtime Button-Up Shirt
    • (1) Forever Friday Jacket
  • Build/Buy Items
    • (2) Splash of Dart Light
    • (2) Competition Juicing Station
    • (2) Fit for Competition Table
    • (4) Sharp as Attack Dartboard
    • (6) Dart Through the Ages Pennant
  • Other Rewards
    • Fashion Gems
    • SimCash
    • Super Sim Tickets
    • Home Tickets
    • Super Home Tickets
Tap the box to retrieve your prize

When clicking the currency button in each chest and “buying it”, you are technically “rolling the dice” so to speak. Realistically, these are chance boxes. You are not guaranteed to get different items each time, you will receive many duplicates, and you are not able to select what you receive either. The item you receive varies and is based on “chance”.


Items are tagged by rarity. This means you have a 60% chance to unlock Common items, a 25% chance to unlock Uncommon items, and a 15% chance of unlocking Rare items. Select the information icon in the Chest to view color tags for each item.

With the way this system is set up, you will end up receiving plenty of duplicates. This is ok in the beginning as you may need to collect multiples of items to complete the set, but this will eventually lead to an excess of items. When this happens, items will be converted into special rewards that vary depending on the rarity of the item.

The following reward conversions are made when receiving duplicates: 

  • Common Items
    • 20 Home Tickets (Consolation Chest)
    • 2 Super Sim Tickets (Championship Chest)
  • Uncommon Items
    • 1 Super Sim Ticket (Consolation Chest)
    • 75 SimCash (Championship Chest)
  • Rare Items
    • 7 Fashion Gems (Consolation Chest)
    • 20 Fashion Gems (Championship Chest)


Dartboard Object

The Dartboard Object reward that Sims receive when purchasing objects from the Summer Throwdown League Collection, can be placed on your lot. There are several interactions available with this object, including multi-Sim tournaments.



Great Barback Juice-Off

The Great Barback Juice-Off object is rewarded to players who complete all 18 quests. The item has only one interaction that allows Sims to “View” it.

