Community Spotlight: Kate Emerald (Builder)

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Here to kick off our August Community Spotlight is talented Sims 4 builder, Kate Emerald! In a brief introduction below, Kate gives readers a chance to learn a bit more about her work in the community. Take it away Kate!

Untitl12124124ed Hey everyone! I’m Kate, I am 30 years old and building in The Sims 4 is my biggest passion. I create speed builds and tutorials on YouTube and always try to share as many building tricks and ideas as possible. I create builds and tutorials without any CC and I try to think outside the box to create unique builds.


I have been playing since The Sims were released in 2000. My first memory of the game is playing together with a childhood friend on her computer and shortly after I got the game myself. I was obsessed and instantly fell in love with the build mode. This is how it all started for me: After discovering the build mode in The Sims was hooked and in The Sims 2, The Sims 3 and now in The Sims 4 it has always been my favorite aspect of the game.


There are so many precious memories connected to this game for me as I have spent many hours in The Sims and even though The Sims aren’t a multiplayer game I have always enjoyed playing the game with my neighbor (who also happened to be a Sims enthusiast) when we were both teenagers. We sat next to each other and made decisions for the houses we built and the families we let move in. My mom became a huge Sims fan as well and she showed me and our neighbor her creations and we always talked about the game. So for us it was so much more than just a game as it connected us and it was a mutual hobby. To this day my mother is still an avid Simmer and I am so happy to share this passion with her.

So I used to share my creations with friends and my mom when I was younger but between then and August 2018 I didn’t really share anything until I created my channel and I finally got to share my builds with so many people! To be honest I had absolutely no idea what I was doing at first as I had never really edited a video in my life. I just knew that I have always loved building in The Sims 4 and that I finally wanted to share my creations. Building in The Sims 4 has always been a creative outlet for me and I figured that creating videos and the creative process that goes into all of that would be challenging and fun. I had planned my first build that I wanted to record over the course of two days until I was finally ready to record the building process and I was super nervous. I shared my first video to Reddit and other social media platforms and had a fantastic start.



At this point it was nothing more than me, building ideas and a fresh channel in the early stages but now it’s so much more with so many people supporting me and I became part of a community that I love with all my heart. I couldn’t be more grateful for all those who support me, who push me to work harder, who inspire me and who are always by my side. And of course most importantly I owe everything to my subscribers and anyone who watches my content, they are the reason my channel exists in this shape and form. Starting a YouTube channel is like planting a seed in the ground, you have to be patient and nourish it and after a while it becomes so much more.


This game means so much to so many people and for many it’s more than just a game. It’s a creative outlet, a coping mechanism and much more. This is what I love about this game and it’s amazing community. This is what sharing my creations is truly about: Connecting with my viewers and being a part of a community of awesome Simmers and creators who inspire each other. And of course I love to find new fun tricks for building in The Sims 4 and I enjoy using new creative ways of building for my builds. I don’t enjoy building the same house over and over again, I really want to challenge myself and try to step out of my comfort zone over and over again and try to develop fresh ideas.


Special thanks to Alexis from SimsVIP who contacted me and gave me a chance to share my story and thank you so much to anyone who has read my spotlight! It was a huge surprise to be invited to a Sims VIP spotlight and I feel really honored!


