Community Blog: Add Your Voice to Pick the Next Sims 4 Stuff Pack

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The Sims team has released a blog detailing the next Community Stuff Pack Vote

Hi, Simmers! We’re here today to announce a collaborative new project: we want you to help us create an all-new Stuff Pack for The Sims™ 4. How will this work? Let us explain…

Today is the first major inflection point for this upcoming Stuff Pack, and we’re looking to you and The Sims community to guide this pack through its critical stages of development. We’re going to ask you the same questions we ask ourselves, and ultimately we’ll have a pack we can all be proud of.


Development here at Maxis is always a collaborative process with input from multiple disciplines that shapes everything we create. By adding your voice and your feedback, we’re going to make a Stuff Pack that represents your desires.

From 10 a.m. PST on November 18 until 10 a.m. PST on November 25, we’re gathering your votes to help select the theme and potential gameplay for this new Stuff Pack. For this first survey, we will present you with five gameplay themes, each with five possible gameplay features. You will have the opportunity to rank the features within the themes, and then rank the themes themselves. The top-ranked theme and the top-ranked feature within that theme will become the core of our new Stuff Pack! Other gameplay from the chosen theme may be included in the final Stuff Pack, but only the top-ranked gameplay feature is guaranteed.

The entire development of this new Stuff Pack will give you a transparent look into how Maxis works together to make new experiences for your Sims. Not only will your votes help determine what we create, but we’ll also be sharing in-depth information about our progress throughout the process. You’ll be able to see what we see when we’re building the game, including images and development blogs about the Stuff Pack. You’ll have a window into our process, from getting an inside look at the meetings we hold to gaining insight into how we respond to unexpected challenges. Along the way, you’re going to meet other developers on our team and learn about what they contribute.


Once voting begins on November 18 at 10 a.m. PST, a new section of our forums will be opened that is dedicated to this project. There, we’ll post regular updates and jump in to engage in spontaneous discussions. Your feedback in the forums will be another opportunity to help shape the creation of this pack. Of course, participating can be as simple as just voting. Be sure to circle the following dates on your calendar and return to to make your voice heard.

    • Theme and Gameplay Vote (November 18, 2019 – November 25, 2019): Select the overall theme and potential gameplay features for the pack. This key decision will influence every part of the pack.
    • Art Style Vote (December 23, 2019 – January 3, 2020): Choose between proposed art styles for the pack, which will guide our concept artists in the objects and clothing they create.
    • Clothing Style Vote (Late January 2020): Review concept art of families wearing different styles of clothing and decide on your favorite clothing style. This will influence the look of the clothing in the pack.
    • Object Style Vote (March 2020): Browse through the concept art we’ve drawn for the pack and select your top choices to help us determine which objects to include.
  • Pack Name and Pack Icon Vote (April 2020): Pick a title that best summarizes the pack’s atmosphere and content. You can also peruse different icons and vote on the one that will appear in the pack’s box art and within the in-game catalog.

For years, we’ve worked to make Sims games that we think you’ll love. This unique opportunity to work directly with all of you has our team incredibly excited. So come on—put on your honorary producer cap and come join us. Let’s build something great together. We can’t wait to learn more about what we’ll start making in just a few short days!

– SimGuruSarah and SimGuruNinja
