Pre Order University Life @ Best Buy
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Sims Official Magazine Issue 2 Now Available!
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Final University Fact Sheet Update & Guide Progress
University is right around the corner simmers! :mrgreen: I have just finished updating the fact sheet with information from the latest fansite/developer previews. This...
Edenstyle: University Previews Part 4, 5 & 6!
For a complete list of fansite previews and screenshots, click here!
Click Below! Lists The Sims 3 University Life
Users from discovered listings for University Life on The individual listings have since been taken down, but the search bar does wonders! ;)
Thanks to...
First Screenshots of PlantSims
Snuddlehund who attended a University Event last week has tweeted a not so clear photo of a PlantSim.
Thanks alexa996!
zfame12Â has shared a clearer screenshot of...
Ping! *New University Screenshot* Pong!
In exchange for "facebook likes", the Sims 3 team has released a new University screenshot.
Redeem University’s Origin, LE & Reg. Content
:!: Once you redeem your bonus Content, it will be available in your purchase history for download. Allow up to 10 minutes for it...
EA Announces The Sims 3 University!
Are your Sims ready for the time of their lives? Heading off to college in The Sims 3 University Life* opens...
Game Chronicles Reviews University Life
The Sims 3 may be almost four years old, but the expansion packs are still coming strong. Given that The Sims 2: University is...