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SimGuruGrant: Create-a-World “Isn’t Out of the Question”

Unlike Open Worlds & Create-a-Style tools which have been confirmed as features likely never to appear in The Sims 4, SimGuruGrant has stated that a Create-a-World tool "isn't...

The Sims 4: Gurus Working on Content “For Years Out”

UPDATE: SimGuruGrant added to his previous tweets with the following: We've released over 20 packs for The Sims 4 so far. Expansions, Game Packs,...

SimGuruGrant’s Weekly Tweets on The Sims (Part 2)

Since his return to Twitter, SimGuruGrant has been quite the social butterfly! With so many different tweets and topics, we’ve decided we will round...

Sims 4 Seasons Community Blog: Meet The Climates!

The Sims team has released an official blog for The Sims 4 Seasons Hello, Simmers! We’re thrilled to finally announce The Sims™ 4 Seasons Expansion Pack.*...

The Sims Artist Showcase: The Vatore family

Hello and welcome to my Artist Showcase number 2! Thank you for all the love and support you guys have shown for the first...

The Sims 4 Seasons Guide

SimsVIP provides in depth, detailed game guides to the community. If our guides have helped you with your game and you want to support...

The Sims Artist Showcase: The Goths

Ah, The Goths, One of The Sim series most popular families. Since the beginning of Sim times we knew who they were. I felt...

The Sims 4 Gallery Spotlight

Jungle Jubilation Jungle vacations are here with loads of interesting archaeological discoveries and amazing scenery.  Make the most of the time visiting with these creative...

Broken Mods for February ’18 Patch/ Jungle Adventure GP

Note - This post is no longer being updated! I stop updating these posts once a new patch gets released or a month has passed...

Origin Update: February 14th, 2018

There’s a new update available in Origin: Version - 0 Version 10.5.11 Has your Mac been running a little rough on Origin lately? We've...

