Videos & Info: Sims 3 Pinball Machine & Baby Swing

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The Sims 3 Baby Swing allows you to place your infants & toddlers in to sleep or play. There are two pace levels (slow & fast). Children are more likely to sleep on the slower level while becoming nauseous and irritable on fast mode. Believe me you don’t want to deal with hours of crying after! 😛


Swing  Screenshot


The Sims 3 Pinball Machine is a new way for your Sims to keep entertained. Children through Elder’s can use the machine alone, or ask to play with others. If you already started playing alone, you can always invite someone to join you. One “extra” feature is that you can check scores. There are already default scores, however you can beat the scores and move up on the board.
It can also break down from time to time, so make sure you handiness skill is up to par. 😉


Pinball 2 Screenshot-3



