Hidden Springs to cost 2500 Simpoints!

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Finally we get a definite price on Hidden Springs!  The Sims 3 Polish Facebook page has confirmed a price for Hidden Springs of 2500 Simpoints. 😯  That’s more than a Stuff Pack!

Thanks to Seadramon for the tip!


More Info
For players waiting for a new world where the discoveries are new places,new faces, and the secret of eternal youth.

Celebrities and rich people are rushing to Magic sources, seeking rest andescape from everyday life. Many of them can not resist gossip about the miraculous healing powers, hidden in forests and springs. Some residentsliving in the forest are very mysterious and seem to be zielonkawi. Is itentangled in magic?

Being in the Magic Sources, you can visit the beautiful lake, relax in the luxurious spa, skiing, hide in the woods, and even discover the ancientsecrets of the Museum of Witchcraft and Unexplained things. Are sure to find something for themselves.


Available only in The Sims Store: http://pl.store.thesims3.com/
Price: 2.500 SimPoints


