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Build/Buy Objects

Choc-O-Falls Fountain

The Aims Co. Choc-O-Falls Fountain is a new way for Sims to enjoy a treat! You can find the chocolate fountain in buy mode under “small appliances” for 150 Simoleons. The Chocolate Fountain can be used by Sims Child-Elder.
❗ Note that Sims will gain weight when eating these new culinary creations.
There are five different types of “syrups” to add to this fountain:
♦ Caramel
♦ Chocolate Swirl
♦ Dark Chocolate
♦ White Chocolate
♦ Milk Chocolate

Once you’ve chosen a flavor, Sims have a few options to choose from that allows them to enjoy this sweet treat! Sims can “Have Some“, “Drink from Chocolate Fountain” and if they want to switch it up, Sims can also “Change Current Flavor“.
❗ Note that unlike the ice Cream Machine, Sims cannot create new and unique flavors.
❗ Scroll over the fountain to check how many servings are left. Once all servings have been eaten, you can clean out the fountain and pour a new batch of chocolate.