Blog: Introducing The Alfresco Street Market Venue

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Via The Sims 3 Community Blog

Designer Alan Copeland took some time to write about his thoughts on the brand new venue: The Al Fresco Street Market.
The Sims 3 Monte Vista has been a favorite of mine since I saw the first piece of concept art. So it should come as no surprise that I’d been equally excited about a venue that ties into such a beautiful, vibrant world. Additionally, with the high quality harvests that your Sims can get with the SwiftGro Gardening Station and Plants VS. Zombies Sunflower, we wanted to give players something special that ties into that as well. So I’m very proud to introduce you to the Al Fresco Street Market, featuring the Humble Harvest Fruit, the Veggie Stand and returning favorite, the Lemonade Stand!



At the Fruit and Veggie Stand, you can buy or sell quality harvestables, books, seeds, or make some extra money tending the stand. Plus there are new harvestables. Yep, you read that right. Your Sims can purchase lemons and eggplants from the Fruit and Veggie Stand!

The other item that comes included in the Al Fresco Street Market is the Lemonade Stand. Trust us, it does more than just let you make juice out of lemons. Your Sim kids can squeeze all sorts of harvestables by using this stand. They can even get eggplant juice for your Vegetarian Sims!

The doctor is most definitely “IN” with the Lemonade Stand as your Sims can stop by to get psychiatric help from kids tending the stand.

Additionally, the Lemonade Stand is a great place to have a romantic picnic, get a cool drink, meet a new Sim, or just relax over a game of chess. Below are a series of screenshots of the Al Fresco Street Market in the world of The Sims 3 Monte Vista.
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading all about the Al Fresco Street Market! Just a tip – as SimGuruTatertot has mentioned in her blogs, if you decide you want the Al Fresco Street Market in The Sims 3 Monte Vista and haven’t purchased this world yet, you can get a great deal with the $35 Monte Vista Simpoint bundle, since you get a discount on just enough points to get this venue with Monte Vista.



