Simified Previews The Sims 3 Monte Vista

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When The Sims 3 Monte Vista was first announced at the Maxis Live Broadcast, right away we thought, “Another world already?! Didn’t we just get Sunlit Tides?” and I’m sure we weren’t the only ones. Sunlit Tides is that nice beach island world you’ve always wanted to put your Sims on, but Monte Vista is a whole different world.
The Sims 3 Monte Vista is not an island world, or desert like previous worlds we’ve seen (Sunlit Tides and Lucky Palms), but a world that takes place in a peaceful countryside with rolling hills, and old time Italian style charm. The world is magnificent from every view in the world, from the new lighthouse, coliseum, or up atop the walled in city that sits high above the rest.





