Aurora Skies: Early Learning Center Preview

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Hat Tip: Simified

Here’s a special peek from Producer Megan Myers talking about the Tiny Prodigies Early Learning Center, available a part of the Gold Edition of The Sims 3 Aurora Skies. The Gold Edition will be available on The Sims 3 Store on February 21, 2013.
Hi, Simmers! If you love playing toddlers and children like I do (they’re just so cute!!!), you are really going to love the Tiny Prodigies Early Learning Center! This venue is absolutely beautiful, and just looking at it makes me think that this might be my very favorite venue ever. (Though, of course, the fact that everything is geared towards children certainly helps!)
As soon as you look at the Tiny Prodigies Early Learning Center, you can tell that it’s going to be a very stimulating environment. There’s just so much going on! Here’s the view from the front:



Look at all of that crazy architecture! Looking at this makes me want to immediately start exploring the building. And the building certainly doesn’t disappoint! There are three floors filled with various spaces for your Sims to experience and explore. There is truly something for everyone. Bookworms can enjoy the cozy reading nook on the third floor while Outdoor enthusiasts can play in the play area just outside.



Sims interested in logic can enjoy a space with a chess table and a telescope, while more athletic Sims can get in some exercise in the pool.



The Early Learning Center also has a space for art if your little ones are so inclined. They can enjoy painting with their peers or try out their writing skills on the computers. (This room is definitely my favorite! I’m already planning stories where my Sim children come to the center for writing and painting practice with all of their friends!)



Toddlers won’t be left out at the Tiny Prodigies Early Learning Center. In fact, there are two new items made especially for toddlers! We knew that we wanted to have add more objects for toddlers… (You guys all loved the Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes set and keep asking for more! And, really, can you ever have too many objects for toddlers??? I think not!) but we wanted them to be useful objects, too. Something that would make life easier for Sims and their children while also making their lives more fun. Thinking about this, there were two pretty obvious objects to make: a playpen and a toddler walker!




With the Local Motion Toddler Walker, toddlers with a desire to move can test out their legs and learn to walk on their own! My toddler, Jasper, absolutely loves it!



And then, if your child Sim is a genius like mine (look! He’s thinking about SCIENCE!), place him in the Head Start Playpen to get a head start on learning. Toddlers in the playpen can learn how to talk all by themselves! They can also try to boost their people skills and/or learn some math. Sure, Jasper looks like he’s just learning to count, but I’m pretty sure he’ll be working on calculus soon! With the playpen, I know my Sims are being set up on a path to success from their earliest years!



So, maybe your parent Sims are neglectful like mine are, and they don’t want to sit around and watch their darling children struggle to say “Mommy” or learn calculus. Never fear! While your child Sims are getting some quality edutainment, Mommy and Daddy can enjoy the parents’ room upstairs. Complete with bar, tv, radio, and fooseball table, parents are sure to be as entertained as their children! The Tiny Prodigies Early Learning Center really does have something for everyone. Even a Sim who Hates Children will probably be happy. Probably.


