Skylight Studio for the Performing Arts

The Skylight Studio for the Performing Arts venue, is home to the exclusive It’s Not Gross Public Shower Station and Stiff as a Board Light as a Feather Dance Collection.


Stiff as a Board Dance Floor

The Stiff as a Board Dance Floor is a brand new skill based entertainment object. You can find the dance floor in buy mode under “Hobbies & Skills” for 400 Simoleons. The Dance Floor can only be used by Sims Child-Elder.
Sims who use the dance floor, will begin to increase their Dancing Skill. The dancing skill has always been a hidden skill within the game, but with the dance floor object, it becomes a full blown visible skill. The Dance Skill has 10 levels, each improving a Sim’s ability to dance.
When Sims first begin using the dance floor, they will experience plenty of falls. As they improve their dance skill, they will learn a few more moves, and keep themselves on their feet more often. There are a number of dance moves that come exclusively with the dance floor, however, many of these dances have already been introduced with previous Expansion Packs.
The following dances are available with the Dance Floor:
♦ Dance (Base Game)
♦ Club Dance (Late Night)
♦ Ballet Dance (Dance Floor Exclusive)
♦ Chicken Dance (Dance Floor Exclusive)
♦ Mascot Dance (University Life)
♦ Smustle Dance (Supernatural)
♦ Dance with a Partner (Slows Dance – Seasons)
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Light as a Feather Ballet Barre

The Light as a Feather Ballet Barre is a brand new object which helps Sims raise their Athletic Skill. You can find the ballet barre in buy mode under “Hobbies & Skills” for 200 Simoleons. The Ballet Barre can only be used by Sims Child-Elder.
Success with the Ballet Barre depends highly on a Sim’s Athletic Skill. Sims with a higher Athletic Skill are more likely to excerise with ease. Sims with a lower Athletic Skill will struggle to learn the ballet moves. If you have The Sims 3 Generations Expansion installed, children will learn the Pirouette, Echappe, and Plie from the ballet barre.
The following options are available with the barre bar:
♦ Exercise
♦ Warm Up
♦ Train (Requires Level 6 Athletic Skill)
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It’s Not Gross Public Shower Station

The It’s Not Gross Public Shower Station is a brand indoor/outdoor public shower. Sims will throw on their bathing suits and rid the funk quick! You can find the public shower in buy mode under “Misc. Plumbing” for 400 Simoleons. The Public Shower can be used by Sims Child-Elder.