Community Blog: Surf’s Up Sun and Fun Collection

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Via SimGuruTaterTot (yum!)

I have a special surprise for you! Check out what Designer Alan Copeland has to say about this new hot summer set, Surf’s Up Sun and Fun Collection. Available on The Sims 3 Store August 1st!
Hey folks… what’s up? If your answer is anything other than “Surf” go back and reconsider your answer. That’s right, it’s time to grab your board and head on out to the beach because I’m here to show off the “Surf’s Up Sun and Fun Collection”!

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Set up your Surf’s Up Sun & Fun Wave Station in a pool, pond, ocean or any decent sized body of water, then it’s time to pick a board.


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Only a poser Sim goes to the beach without a custom board. So along with the six different presets you can also go in and fully modify the texture of your board.
Then it’s time to hit the waves!

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It doesn’t matter if your Sim wants to hang ten or try something a little wilder, the Sun and Fun Wave Station will let them show off their skills! Even Grandpa gets in on the fun!

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Wait… what is that under the water?!
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