Sims 3 Store: Featured Looks

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Recently, the Store has added a Featured Looks section, which includes compilations made of items from across different sets, each of which is devoted to a particular look a player may be interested in. Below are the four featured looks already offered:

The Gentlemen’s Lounge Collection


FEATURED LOOK! This is not where men come to play. This is not where men come to work. This is not a room to sleep. No – this is where men come to lounge. Some may not know the difference, but the men who lounge here do, and that is all that matters. You can download the specific appearance of each of these objects from SimGuruTaterTot’s Studio! Copy the following link and paste it into the address bar of your browser:




Eloquently Eclectic Collection


FEATURED LOOK! When you think of things that go well together, rustic and modern probably aren’t at the top of your list. However, all you have to do is take a look at this room to realize that you should give the pairing a chance. You can download the specific appearance of each of these objects from SimGuruTaterTot’s Studio! Copy the following link and paste it into the address bar of your browser:


Charmingly Simple Kitchen Collection


FEATURED LOOK! Doesn’t everyone aspire to have a room in their home that is charmingly simple? If not, they just need to take one look at this room to realize that they should. This cozy kitchen will make your Sims feel right at home. You can download the specific appearance of each of these objects from SimGuruTaterTot’s Studio! Copy the following link and paste it into the address bar of your browser:


Quaint Cottage Collection

quaint cottage

FEATURED LOOK! Get away from the hustle and bustle of the busy world, and create a charming atmosphere with the Quaint Cottage Collection. This collection isn’t about luxury – it is about appreciating the simple, beautiful things in life that make us happy. You can download the specific appearance of each of these objects from SimGuruTaterTot’s Studio! Copy the following link and paste it into the address bar of your browser:


