Community Spotlight: MattyShadySims (CC Creator)

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Here to kick off SimsVIP’s June Community Spotlight is Custom Content Creator MattyShadySims! In a brief introduction below, Matty gives readers a chance to learn a bit more about what he does. Take it away!

Untitl12124124edHey everyone I am Matty. I have been an active member of the Sims 4 process since it’s announcement but only recently have I started to make custom content and builds to share with the world.
I have an interesting outlook on the Sims because of how it influenced me growing up. When I was younger, and the Sims 1 was being toyed with in the media before it got released, I was so excited at the idea of these little virtual people that you could sort of control or just watch. Those of you reading this know that the Sims gives us a great stage for creation and exploration, like screenshots, videos, stories, or just watching them struggle when they cook grilled cheese!
On to what it is I do with the Sims. I build homes–usually Spanish in style and sometimes, Victorian. My main focus however is Custom Content. The custom content is more male specific partially because that’s what I like and also because there are only a few male-only Custom Content creators in comparison to the female. I enjoy making shirts the best, not really sure why–maybe it’s because they were the first item I recolored.

tankNSpank white showcase


I am also an avid Sims storyteller. When I play I don’t tend to influence my sims very often so I end up with some very interesting results. The first sims I created in the CAS Demo turned into my legacy player and, because of a glitch when pools first came out, caused his daughter to die in the pool with her head stuck on a ladder. I let it ride though because I feel it adds something to the game play realism. Watching them go about their daily lives can be vastly entertaining. I also love reading other peoples stories and legacies. There are so many great story tellers. They paint a vivid picture for sure.

baskinginBlazers showcase

I have a lot of respect for everyone in the community for all the work they do for all of us Sims players and I enjoy the opportunity to work with them and alongside them. Thanks so much everyone. Please keep creating your amazing works and enjoying life, in and out, of game.



