The Sims 4: Challenge Your Sims With Resolutions

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The Sims 4 Seasons introduces Resolutions. These special challenge goals allow you to give your Sims a reason to level up a skill, get a promotion, get fit, or find a significant other!

When creating or participating in Holidays that include the “Make Resolutions” Tradition, it will unlock a new “Make a Resolution” self-interaction on Sims. Sims as young as Children can participate in this tradition. What resolutions will your Sims make?


Sims will have 7 days to complete resolutions, and can only select one resolution per Holiday. Once Sims select a resolution, they can view progress in the Simology Panel. Completed Resolutions will reward Sims with 100 Satisfaction Points.

Get More Social Media Followers - Get at least 100 followers within a week to complete this resolution. (Requires The Sims 4 City Living)

Raise a Skill - Level up any skill within a week to complete this resolution.

(Children, Teens, and Adults)
Complete an Aspiration Milestone - Complete a Milestone from a chosen Aspiration within a week to complete this resolution.

(Children, Teens, and Adults)
Get a Significant Other - Get a boyfriend or girlfriend within a week to complete this resolution.

(Teens and Adults)
Write a Book - Write a book within a week to complete this resolution.

(Teens and Adults)
Get Promoted - Get a promotion within a week to complete this resolution.

(Teens and Adults)
Get Fit - Workout to get fit within a week to complete this resolution.

(Teens and Adults)
Lose Weight - Lose weight by exercising and eating right within a week to complete this resolution.

(Teens and Adults)
Become a Better Student - Increase this Sim's grade within a week to complete this resolution.

(Children and Teens)
Get Promoted in Scouts - Get promoted as a Scout within a week to complete this resolution.

(Children and Teens)

❗ This article is part of a series of mini tutorials on the game. Check out our detailed Game Guide for more information on The Sims 4 Seasons Expansion Pack.
