The Sims 4: Top Voted CAS Asset From Arts & Crafts Stuff

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SimGuruSarah shared a result from the last community stuff pack vote, where she reveals the top voted CAS asset from the Arts & Crafts Stuff Pack. According to the forum post, the adult female shoe #41 won the top spot in the voting results. Final results with details on all assets to be included in the stuff pack will be released soon.

Hi Simmers!

The Create-A-Sim vote for the community voted stuff pack is now closed. Thank you for participating.

We’ve tabulated the votes and we will share the winners with you soon.
I wanted to give you some insight into why it takes so long for us to share the voting results, so here is a breakdown of the process:


1) Poll ends and results are tallied
2) We write a blog post for communicating the results. This post is then reviewed by SP team members for editing to make sure everything we want to share is covered, and to verify accuracy. Then it is shared with our partners in marketing, communications, etc… for review. This process takes a few days because of how many people are involved.
3) Once the blog post is approved it goes off for translation. The Sims is available in 18 languages, so that process can take a few days, especially when you factor in time differences, weekends, and holidays.
4) The translated blogs are handed off to our web team to publish, and then you get to read them!

To tide you over I will share with you the #1 voted asset – 50% of you voted for adult female shoe #41! That’s some serious love for this shoe.

Thanks for joining us in our collaborative journey to create this Stuff Pack!

~ SimGuruSarah
