Edenstyle will release more Generations Photos!
Edenstyle has already release one of the many photos they have yet to show us! Make sure to become a fan of their Facebook...
Edenstyle Part 8 – Interactions & Dating
Edenstyle has released Part 8 of their Generations Preview. This time all about Interactions & Dating! Go ahead and take a read over at...
New Bits of Generations Info!
White looking for any new info from the Gurus on Twitter, I ran across a few bits of info from SimGuruRyan! Our Generations Fact...
Edenstyle Part 7 – Strollers
Edenstyle has published their 7th Part of the Generations Preview! This time up... "Crazy about the stroller"! Make sure to head over to Edenstyle...
Edenstyle – Part 6 – Memories & Home Videos
Edenstyle has released their 6th part of the Generations preview. This time around...Memories & Home Videos! Go ahead and take a read!
EA Royal Wedding Sims Bundle – 50% Off
For receiving a certain amount of comments on an EA Insider Deals status, EA has given out a special promo code to be used when...
Sims 3 Store Hairstyles – In Game Screens
Just a reminder to everyone that we have a special section on SimsVIP dedicated to In-Game Screenshots of all the Sims 3 Store hairstyles!...
SVTimes – Generations Preview
Sunset Valley Times has posted their Generations Preview. They also have a video up of their trip to London for the UK event, including...
Edenstyle Generations Preview Part 5 – Imaginary Friend
Edenstyle has released their 5th Preview on Generations, this time on the Imaginary friend! We do learn a few new things (at least I...
New Royal Wedding Parody Photos
The French Sims 3 Facebook Page released some more photos from the Royal Wedding parody trailer today. Click the images below for a larger view.