The Sims 3 Archives | SimsVIP

Game Informer: The Sims’ Unseen Design Notebooks (VIDEO)

Game Informer Magazine has released an amazing video from the Strong Museum of Play, where tour guides give an inside look at Will Wright's...

The Sims 3: Maxis Releases an Announcement for Players on Mac

Maxis has released an announcement detailing changes to The Sims 3 on Mac. Dear Simmers, If you currently play The SimsTM 3 on Mac, pay close attention...

Sims 3 Pets – Household Limit Confirmed

  One of the FAQ's & concerns around the Sims community is the household limit with Pets. Today we have our answer confirmed via  @BlackGarden...

50 Free Simpoints (Daily) in the Sims 3 Store

  Update: SimGuruZephyr has helpfully provided the following explanation for the quirkiness of this feature.   Special thanks to Steph Sadly it is US only. As for everyone...

The Sims Artist Showcase: The Goths

Ah, The Goths, One of The Sim series most popular families. Since the beginning of Sim times we knew who they were. I felt...

The Sims 3 Ultimate Careers Mod by Zerbu

Hey guys! Wee Albet here, I hope you are all doing well! Today I'm bringing to your very eyes information on a new mod...

Sims 3 University Life Achievements

  The Sims 3 University adds brand new Achievements for you to complete in your game. There are a total of 59 New Achievements. Below is a list explaining each...

Moving & Placing Dive Spots in Other Worlds

  IronboatLee on officials has found a way to move and place Diving Spots in other worlds. Where there's a will, there's a way simmers! The...

The Sims: It’s Time to Change the World(s), Literally

The worlds our Sims play in are the canvas for the stories we tell, the builds that we create. They are an essential aspect...

Sims 3 Supernatural: 385 Game Icons

  Click below to download!   

